So Few Reviews from Southeastern PA

In 'Conshohocken Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by Philly Dude

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Philly Dude
10/14/2010 10:22 am

posts: 0

Why isn't anyone submitting reviews for the Philadelphia area? We have far more AMPs than most places so you would think that we would have a ton of reviews. I am getting a message when I sign in that my VIP membership will be ending in 5 days, I am not going to renew if no one else is going to submit reviews.

I pretty much write a review every time I visit an AMP, obviously no one else is, you only get out of this what you put in!
10/19/2010 10:30 pm

posts: 0

With all due respect, isn't this the third or fourth forum post you put complaining about a lack of reviews? posts will come when they do. not every customer who goes into an AMP is a member of this site. in addition there should be some laying low after the death of the mamsan at clover/crown on samson. there were articles and publicity that would cause LE to take a closer look and here you are wanting posts on it like nothing happened. i myself have been going to other places outside philly but i want to go back when the chance comes up next month and i will do a review. if that is a bother then give up the membership and go to the other sites. but to prod guys into writing reviews just to make you happy and keep your membership isn't going to work. Ok, you put up your reviews and that's great but when members will post, they'll post.
10/23/2010 08:44 pm

posts: 0

anyone have any info on any of the Russian massage places? The one I'm curious about is the place in Southampton.

10/24/2010 11:10 am

posts: 0

All the reviews for the area seem to be on the free sites. I haven't been able to go anywhere for a while but will start reviewing again once I do.
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