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07/28/2010 06:01 am

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This topic refers to ACA Massage
ACA Massage picture

went last night. outside lights were on, inside lights were off. figured what the hell and tried the back door. no answer.
08/13/2010 11:17 pm

posts: 0

Are you sure ,I hope you're wrong
08/19/2010 02:58 am

posts: 0

Sarge316 wrote:
Are you sure ,I hope you're wrong

live to far away to know for sure but unfortunately that is what it looked like that night.
08/19/2010 06:38 pm

posts: 0

I hope you are wrong to but I must say I swung by a couple nights ago and the first night there was a cop car across the street and the next time I swung by a cop car was a block away. Was a little concerned but didn't think THAT much of it until now...but again that could mean anything.
08/19/2010 07:57 pm

posts: 0

Did some scoping on some other sites. One said ACA was going through renovations. Given what is inside there, that makes more sense.....
08/19/2010 07:58 pm

posts: 0

Did some scoping on some other sites. One said ACA was going through renovations. Given what is inside there, that makes more sense.....
08/19/2010 07:58 pm

posts: 0

Did some scoping on some other sites. One said ACA was going through renovations. Given what is inside there, that makes more sense.....
09/04/2010 04:23 am

posts: 0

Im going to AC this weekend does anyone know if this place is back???
09/17/2010 04:52 pm

posts: 0

I was in AC a couple nights ago, I won some money and decided to go but the door was locked yet the sign said "open"...bummer
10/02/2010 04:59 pm

posts: 0

Datone....Sounds like you tried the front entrance which you should never do. you are better off going throught the alley to the back or call before you walk in the back. i was in AC but didn't trek over to see for sure.
10/04/2010 06:46 pm

posts: 0

I called and got an answer.....looks like business as usual
10/07/2010 08:41 am

posts: 0

Talked with them when I was last there about closings. Said they were having issues with building needing repairs/renovations. Said they were not sure yet but that they may have to close because of those issues and move everything over to Serenity, which is on the other corner of the same block, purple neon lights in windows. Said if I ever came over and they were not opened, that I should go to Serenity. Serenity is theirs too and that the same girls should be there. The girls go back and forth between the two MPs. Serenity also has parking in back.
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