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01/18/2010 04:10 pm

posts: 0

This topic refers to Heaven Is A Spa
Heaven Is A Spa picture

As of Sunday Jan. 17 Heaven is a Spa burned down. Saw it on the news this morning and just googled it and it's confirmed that it was destroyed and was started in that spa. Guess one of the girls there were really burning down below.(Horrible joke I no)
01/19/2010 03:19 pm

posts: 0

A better one would have been... I knew the girls were smoking hot but DAMN, buring down the house?
02/21/2010 12:23 am

posts: 0

Yea, I passed by there today and saw that just the front brick face of the building was left. Hot damn, The roof was definitely on fire in there. Shame too cause it was a pretty good place to relax and get a nice HE.
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