This topic refers to
Ocean Spa
Okay, so I'm sure the panic-stricken look of terror that flashed in my eyes was quite evident about 5 seconds after I did a walk-in to conduct a preliminary once-over to assess where we might be on the fugliness-doable scale...
Lemme just put this out there - Over the years I've made my share of dumbass moves and regrettable errors and committed the standard sucker-move of getting talked into staying while dismissing my better judgment, okay?!?!
BUT! I certainly do N O T go outta my way to ADD to the longass list of screwups, so try as the 2 sweet, kinda ladies might, I simply wimped out and talked fast and couldn't get outta there fast enough.
Not to be unkind, okay?!?!
BUT! This was a 1st - at least at an
AMP, which I swear somebody once told me stood for ASIAN Massage Parlor, but apparently I was wrong.
300 pound caucasian female greeted me and attempted to escort me into the massage room. Seeing the horrified look on my face, she quickly said other ladies are available, politely stepped aside, and I met Grandmother, or perhaps Great Grandmother. She was pretty, in that GILFy 65-year-old way, heels and full makeup and a nice dress she should wear out with her husband to dinner/dancing.
Guys? Fellas?? Gentlemen??? Have a heart. I utterly and totally wimped out - just couldn't do it, Bruthas! I backed on outta there like a kittycat backing out of a dark room where they sense badness afoot. I was babbling about just wanting to pick up a business card, I'd need to come back another time, asking prices - $30/half $50!?/HR. I was urged to go for the 30-minute "massage" and it seemed clear no real-deal legit solid effort at a relaxing massage was gonna happen.
I failed.
Brief aside/trip report on new gal at A.F.:
Ended up at Asian Flower and at Cici's urging met Meesa's replacement - Linda - nice, standard tatas access/solid massage/super
HJ w/plentiful intense
OMG ass-play that led to the general wildly spraying the entire area of operations.
$40/HHR - hell, I thought it was less than that, but perhaps something got lost in the translation because I got no change from the 2 Jacksons - + I left 2 more on the pillow and she was quite pleased and wanted me to return. Cici's heading early next month to China herself, where Meesa is now, for Chinese New Year and there'll be another new gal, likely 1 with greater facility with our own local dialect than Linda so she can handle the phone and greeting clients.
So. Back on-topic - honestly, I couldn't see spending 30 minutes in a cold room with 2 sweet, kind, overly-eager ladies neither of whom I was eager to see undress even a little bit. Okay, maybe Great Grandma, so what's THAT tellin' ya, Dudes!?
Anyone? Do we have a true road warrior tough guy who can handle an Ocean
Spa TOFTT visit and not wimp-ass out the way yours truly did?!?!?

What a gutless wonder!