Incorrect credentials.
10/27/2010 11:01 am

posts: 0

i know a guy who recently got caught by his wife visitng AMPs. she found the history on his computer and went through leading her back to a site like this...if not this one. just wondering if any of you guys have been caught by ur significant others before? what did you do? the sad thing is that most women do not realize the sexual needs of men ergo we go to AMPs. at least thats my take on it. just a heads up and reminder to clear your shizz after.
10/27/2010 06:22 pm

posts: 0

Oh man, that sucks. My wife is not very computer savy, and I have my own computer with password. I also keep the cell phone contacts list clean. I used to have all my spas in there, that was stupid. Now for a couple I use frequently, I list them as chiropractors. Like Mimi chiro. Can't be too careful, but I think it would be pretty difficult to get caught by the wife. More so by LE!
10/28/2010 09:15 am

posts: 0

Guess that's a haunting spectre from the years when there was an SO for me and makes me grateful that life's much simpler and worry-free living solo.

It must be the really BAD result we all anticipate it would be and that totally blows for your buddy. Maybe it can serve as a cautionary reminder to those in similar situations but my heart goes out to him. Honestly to his lady this must be a real body blow too.

Realizing I would never be happy because I had to seek satisfaction elsewhere contributed to my making a change and life's infinitely better than I'd ever even hoped it could be now.

The other day a highly rated FBSM provider I'm going to see on payday (omg I am stoked! ) sent me an email that she was letting a client use her computer because his wife regularly checks their shared family P.C. and he wanted to be careful to avoid detection. Guess it kinda surprised me but maybe shouldn't that she'd readily be on the assist in lending use of her studio P.C. Maybe that's rare, so thought it's maybe slightly interesting and worth mentioning.

Please forgive typos, On Smartphone.
10/28/2010 11:18 am

posts: 0

This is kinda of ironic for me, recently my wife found the condom wrapper in the wash that I had in the back pocket of pants. I had left the AMP and instead of throwing it away right in front of the place I put it in my pocket to toss later...big mistake. My wife just left it on the shelf above the washer but has yet to say a word to me. What do you guys think, she saving it for ammunition down the line?
10/28/2010 01:19 pm

posts: 0

she wants to see what how you play it still chilling there?
10/28/2010 03:22 pm

posts: 0

Nope, it's gone. Anybody have any believable excuses why I would have it in my pocket let me know, I could use any tips you might have.
10/28/2010 04:52 pm

posts: 0

"Believable?" Not so sure I'd go quite THAT far, but we oughta' be able to help a brother out.

1. A buddy was fooling around on his girlfriend and didn't want her to find out and he left this in your office without your knowing, so you weren't even gonna take a chance of the boss or someone noticing it there and didn't want it in your trash can, so you slipped it into your pocket intending to toss it and just spaced it.

2. There were kids promoting safe sex in some kind of public service giveaway on a sidewalk downtown and this was a giveaway. You were curious about the brand since it wasn't familiar to you and you opened it and kinda got grossed out and tossed it but just spaced on tossing the wrapper.

3. You think you and your wife need to have a talk with the kids as you found it in the car and you grabbed it intending to show her and bring it up, but spaced it.

4. One of your carpool buddies, old college pal, co-workers, a guy from the bus stop/train station/BART/Metro etc. needed a lift and you think it must have slipped out of their bag/pocket/purse and you didn't want it in the car and you spaced tossing the wrapper.

5. [bottom line: blame a circumstance where you're the good guy...]

Last thought: if your office/weekly poker game/stupid buddy or some other setting having a gag gift of condoms as balloons works, try that.
10/28/2010 07:18 pm

posts: 0

JT101 -- ouch. Sorry to hear that. I wish you luck. Thanks for sharing as you may have saved some of us from the same fate.
10/28/2010 10:12 pm

posts: 0

Time, I like your style and creativity! That is a tough one and I've become a master of the creative lie. I have to admit I would be stumped if I was caught off guard by my wife with this one, but a couple of the options you give are just plausible enough to work, provided they can be delivered with conviction. I have learned, it's more important HOW you say it than what you say most of the time...
10/29/2010 10:56 am

posts: 0

Thanks for the advice guys, I'm just going to act as if nothing happened and if it comes up I'll deal with it. Dandyman is right, if you have conviction with the lie you have a better chance of pulling it off. Word of advice from the fool here, Get rid of all evidence before you get home and double check your pockets
10/29/2010 12:00 pm

posts: 0

maybe say you just wanted to see wht it felt like again so you used one on yourself...embarassing but just might work...that is also why you did not want to talk about it.
10/29/2010 12:01 pm

posts: 0

shell prob just think of the firends episode when chandler asks joey for one even tho he is alone
11/05/2010 06:20 pm

posts: 0

Update...Our next door neighbors have teenage kids that had a big Halloween party and the next morning there were beer bottles on our lawn so I got a bright idea and threw a couple condom wrappers among the litter where my wife would see them and she did. She commented how disgusting it was and I replied that I found some of those a couple weeks ago and picked them up. So hopefully she thinks this was where the one she found in the washer came from. At least theres some doubt now. Thanks for the advice and support guys
11/05/2010 06:41 pm

posts: 0

And, in the words of 1 rather famous voice, now we know the reeeest of the story...
02/05/2011 06:40 pm

posts: 0

amp420 wrote:
shell prob just think of the firends episode when chandler asks joey for one even tho he is alone

thats really funny, are you a big friends fan? , thanks for the advice here guys
02/05/2011 06:40 pm

posts: 0

amp420 wrote:
shell prob just think of the firends episode when chandler asks joey for one even tho he is alone

thats really funny, are you a big friends fan? , thanks for the advice here guys
01/18/2012 04:47 pm

posts: 0

JT101 wrote:
Nope, it's gone. Anybody have any believable excuses why I would have it in my pocket let me know, I could use any tips you might have.

Damn litterbugs. You pick up one piece of trash and look at all the hell it's brought down on me.
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