*UPDATE* Brazillian is open and fine. The robbers have been making rounds to the parlors. The owner and I are good friends now and I frequent the back room. She told me about how they actually called the police the other 5 places did not for fear of exposure.
Anyways everything is fine, they have upgraded security, and of course the
LE was there because they raided the Medical Marijuana shop next store and shut it down. Apparently that place was selling over $25,000 worth of "MEDICINE" per day. Wow what a good business to be in.
Oh yeah, anyways everything is all good, my brother begged me to take him so I did. There is a new girl working, VERY hot. She was working on Sat. Night, not sure what her name was.
I have VIP cards so make sure to
PM me about them!
*REWARD* They are offering a $5,000 no questions asked reward. They might even up it to $10,000 because the girls really want these guys caught.