City of Torrance takes action

In 'La Puente Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by fookmee

Incorrect credentials.
09/16/2010 12:10 pm

posts: 0

Gentlemen, please check news story this morning, front page:
09/16/2010 06:25 pm

posts: 0

Thanks for the link Yellowtail.
09/16/2010 07:22 pm

posts: 0

Torrance has been notorious for years in their pursuit against EMPs. If anything, this article proves what Torrance should have figured out by now. Forcing cops to devote resources to vice is not only expensive but usually doesn't produce results.
09/17/2010 01:06 pm

posts: 0

rothchild, how do you like HM Health doing business down the block from city hall?
09/18/2010 06:57 am

posts: 0

Never heard of them. I do know of one place on Madrona and Torrance but I doubt it's an EMP. The Daily Breeze had some great local reaction over this issue, mostly how it makes the city counsel appear anti-business and way too heavy handed.

My real grip is the fact the city claims to have no money for teachers, cops, and firemen yet wants to splurge on pointless vice projects. EMP or not, those massage parlors are paying the rent and taxes. With so many empty spaces open for lease in the area it's insane to attack the massage parlors. Torrance is just lucky that the industries that call the city home are sticking around and the residents haven't protested the property taxes.
09/18/2010 10:26 am

posts: 0

No wonder H&M in Torrance was so skittish... Too bad, there are (were) a couple of real cuties there.
09/19/2010 05:03 pm

posts: 0

I think this is a funny line:
"What we're doing is putting owners of properties who lease to massage-type establishments on notice," he said. "I got a very positive response from the owners. ... It sounds like the landlords are on board."

If the owners and landlords were really "on board" and "positive" don't you think they would have already done something like this by themselves? But now that they're forced to do this, NOWWWW they're "on board"...right.
09/19/2010 11:41 pm

posts: 0

I seriously doubt the landlords are happy that tenets are being harassed by the city and potential future tenets are being chased away. If these landlords gave a shit about what type of business was moving in they would have allows these AMPs to sign lease agreements.
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