Services Sex and extras. Prices will vary starting at $20 and going up to $100. Average is around $40 to $50. Take out is available for extra charge.
Dancers The girls in here are not the hottest by any mean, but you will find some cute girls in here. This place is more for locals. It is rare to find anyone in here that speaks English.
Alcohol NO
Offers Extra Services YES
Offers Sex YES
Take Out YES
Private Room YES
12:00PM - 2:00AM
12:00PM - 2:00AM
12:00PM - 2:00AM
12:00PM - 2:00AM
12:00PM - 2:00AM
12:00PM - 2:00AM
12:00PM - 2:00AM
This is a brothel/freelance bar. All the girls in here are working and looking for customers who will buy their sex services. The girls do not work for the bar directly, but they need to pay a fine to the bar to leave with a guy. You are free to negotiate